
Does The Jones Act Cover Aircraft Injuries?

Written by: Roy Boujaoude

Your Right to Compensation If You Are a Seaman Injured in an Aircraft Crash 

Many seamen wonder just what the Jones Act covers. They fear that if they are not injured on a ship or while at sea, then they may not be covered under the Jones Act. It is important to discuss your case with an attorney to determine your eligibility when it comes to the Jones Act and how you file a claim for damages.

At the Law Office of Roy A. Boujaoude, P.C., we help individuals who have been seriously injured in marine accidents on the Gulf Coast and throughout the Houston area. Our lawyers will work with you to obtain compensation for your damages. We will fight to ensure you receive every dollar you deserve after a serious accident with injuries. Contact our office at (713) 690-2277 to schedule a free consultation. 

Understanding the Jones Act

According to the Jones Act, seamen are entitled to bring a claim for damages if they are injured within the course of work. A seaman does not have to be injured on the vessel that they are working on in order to receive compensation.

A seaman is defined as a person who spends at least 30% of time on a vessel in navigation. If you are not a seaman, you may still be entitled to compensation under a number of other state and federal laws. 

Does the Jones Act Cover Aircraft Accidents?

The Jones Act covers injuries that occur within the course of a seaman’s work. Today, more and more marine workers are transported to and from their worksite on a helicopter or other aircraft. If the aircraft crashes or causes some type of injury, seamen may be able to file a request for damages under the Jones Act since it occurred within the course of work.

Your Rights Under the Death on the High Seas Act

If your loved one is killed on international waters, you might be able to file a wrongful death claim under the Death on the High Seas Act. The Act entitled family members to benefit through a wrongful death lawsuit if their loved one was killed on waters that are at least 3 miles off the coast of the U.S.

The Act also applies to commercial airline disasters that occur over 12 nautical miles outside U.S. waters. Therefore, if your loved one is killed in a plane crash over international waters, you might be entitled to compensation under the Death on the High Seas Act. 

Contact Our Office for More Information

If you were injured in an aircraft crash over the ocean, you might be entitled to compensation. Depending on whether you are classified as a seaman, you might be able to file a claim under the Jones Act. It is important to discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible to determine your legal options.

At the Law Office of Roy A. Boujaoude, our lawyers will fight for you and your family. We will work to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. Contact our office at (713) 690-2277 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

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No matter what the circumstances of your case, Attorney Roy Boujaoude can help. Contact our office today at (713) 690-2277 for a free case consultation. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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